Thursday, May 20, 2010

NYC tattoo convention aftermath...

Just got back from the 13th annual NYC Tattoo Convention and wow, I can't believe it's over already! 13 years...13 freakin' years...I haven't done anything for that long except be alive...but it's true I have done this convention every year for the past 13, and every year it's been good to me. I have tried other conventions, but none compare. The people are open to creativity and are not afraid to spend money on it...and man do I love them!

So now as my old business Lucky Girl Handbags has come to a close, a new concept has taken I am very proud of and one that reflects more of who I am through this art form of mine; Resurrected by Adriane...I'm taking old leather garments and turning them into new functional works of art... it's a bit eco friendly and anti-consumerism (does that make sense?) and a lot more a form of art because each piece is completely one of a kind by being born from something else, almost like it still had some life left it just needed some help getting there...and it goes hand in hand with realizing that a resource like leather is precious because an animal died for it, so by reusing it it is being RESURRECTED...and I like that. thanks for reading!

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